Middle Age Memories
Senior citizens are now learning to text. And to abbreviate. BFF means Best Friend Fainted. BYOT: Bring Your Own Teeth….
Lost and Found
Life isn’t fair. I left my cell phone on a plane and never found it. I lost three pounds on a diet and found five more. I lost a sock in the dryer and it somehow joined the other missing socks. That’s what Saturn’s ring consists of, you know? Missing socks. Have you ever lost something important? Maybe you’ve been lost yourself.
Coincidence? I Think Not!
At the Minneapolis Golf Club, something happened that may never be repeated. 13-year-old Preston Miller recorded a hole in one…
The Story Behind the Best-Selling Devotional
You may have heard the saying, “Behind every great man is a great woman.” Or maybe you’ve heard “behind every…
16 Reasons We’ve Been Married 40 Years
Ramona and I are celebrating forty years of marriage. Yes, that’s forty in a row. No matter how long you’ve…
Redemption Stories
We just watched The Sound of Music with a few of the grandkids, which got us talking about our favourite…
Energizer Mom
It’s time for me to tell you ten things I never heard my mother say: “Potato chips are good for…
Old Age and Birthdays
Nurses in a long-term-care facility held a celebration for a resident on her 100th birthday. She was rather drowsy, so…
Superstitions and Faith
I enjoy few things more than baseball. I know, it’s not as fast paced as golf or lawn bowling. But…
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