Thank you so much for your generosity! For over 10 years, Laugh Again has been supported entirely by people like you—individuals who resonate with Phil Callaway’s unique use of storytelling and humour, grounded in the truth of God’s Word. If you have been encouraged toward a lifestyle of true joy and hope in Jesus through Laugh Again, we greatly appreciate your partnership. Your prayers, support and financial gifts are such a blessing!
Each designated contribution will be used as requested with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the board, the remaining funds will be used where needed most. All donations will receive a Canadian tax receipt for income tax purposes as allowed by law.
If you have been encouraged toward a lifestyle of true joy and hope in Jesus through Laugh Again, we greatly appreciate your donation. Your prayers, support and financial gifts are such a blessing!
Did you know? The Good News Broadcasting Association of Canada (GNBAC) is the umbrella organization for the ministries of Back to the Bible Canada, Laugh Again and INDOUBT. GNBAC is a registered, non-profit charity in Canada.
All donations will receive a Canadian tax receipt from The Good News Broadcasting Association of Canada (GNBAC) for income tax purposes as allowed by law. The registered, non-profit charity number for GNBAC is 108083197 RR 0001. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) website provides detailed financial breakdown information for GNBAC. Your official tax receipt from GNBAC will be mailed to you.
Each donation will be used as designated, with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or if it cannot be completed for any reason as determined by our board, the remaining funds will be used where needed most.